Monday, May 3, 2010

The Straw

Last night I again found myself glued to my computer doing research. I don't think I ever spent this much time researching one topic even in my entire higher education. As I was reading, I came across something that really disturbed me. Actually disturbed is too mild of a word, more like it rocked me to my core. Here is the link to the post I was reading

I realize this a first person account and could possibly be totally fabricated, however I did some additional research and found that the second anointing is in fact an ordinance that was once practiced in the temple. Here is a link to an old church publication called the Millennial Star, a church published periodical, that confirms that second anointings did at one time exists and were practiced. As to whether they still are today, I guess all the proof I have are other's personal accounts.
I will have to look up the exact page number that references this ordinance as the whole thing is over 800 pages.

I guess what disturbs me is not the ritual itself, but rather the fact that it is something that is reserved for only a few members and that it is to be kept a secret that one has received it. I also read a part of the blessing (if my source is accurate of course) that states that the woman will be "Exalted to her husband's exaltation."

Now back up a minute. Did I read this correctly? I will be exalted to my husband's exaltation! Does that mean I can only go as far as my husband does? What if my husband is a complete douche bag, a sex-predator, or a thief (mine is most definitely not, just hypothesising here)? Will I only be able to progress as far as he does even if I've never done a thing wrong in my life?

If I am reading this statement wrong then please tell me so. If I am understanding this correctly then all I have to say is BULL SHIT!

I guess you could say this is the straw that broke the camel's back.

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